Green Buildings Environmental Benefits

Image from: Wikipedia Commons
For the past decade, a number of people have made the switch to green living in support of the fight against global warming and climate change, which seem to be the greatest concern of our time. From simple changes.
Trending Work-life Balance Hacks

Trends and Times Have Changed
You cannot be a slave to work, if you want a meaningful work-life balance. From the days when
work was considered to be all-important to the days of work-life balance gaining importance, approaches to how to manage.
Your Kids are Asleep: Take the Time For Yourself
Parenthood is certainly a challenge for women who need to get used to the idea that they will have less time for their own activities. Of course, devoting your time on taking care of your.
3 Natural Oils Used As A Sunscreen
If you're looking for a more natural sunscreen for those sunny days, you might want to try an oil a sunscreen. The natural oils listed below act as a sunscreen with a decent amount of SPF coverage.
Aura Cacia - 100% Pure Essential Oil Carrot.
Aveeno Active Naturals VoxBox

First off, I'm a little behind on posting this because I received this VoxBox around a week or so ago. I've had a hectic couple of months (try year) and I'm just now getting back into the groove of things. Let's not talk about my life and get on.
What are the Differences between Condos and Apartments?

When it comes to finding a new place to live, it’s
all too easy to get confused and sidetracked by all of the terminology you’ll
be hearing. Many people who are looking to find a rental property, for example,
may have a general misunderstanding.
7 Tips for Building Your Confidence after Divorce

Image Courtesy Of: Coachingfordivorcedwomen.comDivorce is heart wrenching, to say the least. It
leaves you lonely, depressed, and often feeling bad about yourself.
Unfortunately, there’s no way around these feelings; you have to work through
them in.
Five of the Most Unique Homes in Movies

Image by gothic_sanctuary via Flickr
Five of the Most Unique Homes in Movies
Do you ever find yourself
wishing you had the kind of life you see in movies? Maybe you think it would be
Six Ways to Wake Up Beautiful

Image by Nouhailler via Flickr
We all
scoff at those characters in movies who wake up looking gorgeous in every
scene. We laugh at the fact that no one could possibly wake up looking so
flawless, while secretly feeling envious. However much.
Business Wardrobe Must-Haves for Women

The clothes that we wear would
definitely speak volumes on our personality.
Not to mention the fact that it can also have a huge impact on our
capability to achieve success in our chosen careers. Working in a business environment nowadays