Posted by : Unknown 11.6.13

Today I've been hit with the "Giving" bug harder than usual. I always want to give back to the world because I know that I would want the world to give back to me. What some people don't take the time to realize is that the world, as a whole, is in dire need of some help.

Just like my momma and the bible always taught me: "Give, and it shall be given to you". I know that there's some (a lot) of us who don't have the necessary means to give to others. Not all of us can donate to causes even when we want to. I have been in that predicament many times and I felt it was time for others to know that they CAN do something.

You don't need money or items to give. I know this might sound corny, but praying is enough for you to give to the world. But if you're like me, you'll want to be more active along side praying for people's life to turn around. I took the time today to research ways people can give back to the world. All you need is a computer and you're ready to go.

Ripple is an organization that gives you the option of saving the world in four different ways just by clicking. You can click on their website to give 6 days access to water, help a village feed itself, give 2 days access to education, or finance a $100 loan for a day.

The Hunger Site gives you several free ways to make a difference in the world. Once a day, you are given a free click that generates money for charities. Don't worry, the free click is paid for by The Hunger Site's sponsors. You can also sign up for free petitions and visit the charity websites to generate even more money for charities.

Good Search donates a penny to your non-profit or your school every time you search. If you want to do more than search, they have other ways you can earn a penny for your non profit and school. You can play games, watch TV ads, complete surveys, complete offers, and much more.

Free Rice is one of my favorite ways to give back. I've been a member with them for a while now and the concept of this site is unique. You can sign up with them and quiz yourself on English vocabulary. For every question you get right, they donate 10 grains of rice through the World Food Programme to help end hunger. This is also a good way to brush up your children's English vocabulary while, at the same time, letting them give back to the world too.

A Million Thanks is for fellow soldiers and it's also a favorite of mine. I just had to put this because I'm a soldier and I know that a letter from anyone would brighten up my day. A simple prayer or thanks in a letter will get a soldier through the day and they will be sure to remember the gesture.

Click For Your Charity states: "4,000 children perish every day from water-related disease." What you can do to prevent that is donate for free by clicking on an Ad on their website. Once you click on an Ad, it will pay for 7 days of free water.

The last two websites aren't free, but I thought I should add them because they were interesting and don't cost much at all.

Kiva is based around you loaning $25. You get to pick and search profiles of people and families to see who you want to loan your $25 to. Once you pick a person and their cause, you will be kept updated with their progress. When they get the money to pay you back, the money will transfer over to your Kiva account. You can continue this process with other people and help them get back up on their feet.

Green Beans Coffee is another way to give back to American soldiers. You can send a cup or bag of Joe (coffee) to 20+ troops if you so choose. If you just want to sent one troop a cup of Joe, they only charge you $2. They even let you send a personal note to give your thanks to them.

These are only a few ways to show the world you care. I hope this is just a head start for most of you. Giving never ends.

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