Posted by : Unknown 10.9.13

It came to my attention that many websites are integrating some type of affiliate system to their business. I find that affiliate programs are very rewarding in the long run if the reward is promising enough. Out of all the new affiliate programs I received updates from, I present to you two that are very promising.

It was completely coincident that both of these websites were "money making websites".

LikePlum is a question/answer website that encourages people to ask questions that they want answers to. You can sign up with LikePlum and answer their questions and get paid if your answer is chosen. Being an affiliate allows you to earn even more money for every user who asks a question through your link or banner ad. You'll earn an easy $3 for every user that asks a question.

PollBuzzer is a unique survey site that pays its users $1 for every survey question answered. You can double that money by referring others to join PollBuzzer or by joining their affiliate program and finding marketers to join for a 10% cut of whatever they earn.

{ 26 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. These are great to know! I was looking for affiliate sponsors. I love idea being like plum for sure! I will definitely have to try these out soon! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks for the info! I've been looking for more affiliate opportunities.

  3. I'm pretty new to blogging and haven't monetized yet. But i've heard about affiliates and what sure what that was all about. Thanks for the info.

  4. i use some monteszation but sometimes there can be too many ads and you lose the actual reason for a blog, which can cause people to not return to the site.

    1. True. I feel the same way. I try not to overdo it while I'm trying different things out. Sooner or later I end up removing most of them anyway.

  5. I still haven't monetized my blog, because here in Italy laws are way more strictly than in the US... But, if I'll ever decide to do that, I'll give those two a try!
    Tx for sharing!
    MammaNene @ SergerPepper

  6. You learn something new everyday! I will have to keep these in mind.

  7. I haven't had a lot of success with affiliates, truthfully. And I don't have time for surveys. Good luck!

    1. I guess it depends on what truly works for you.

  8. This site means extra money! Yay, thanks for sharing. I will see if I can apply for their affiliate program! :)

  9. Very informative. Thank you so much for sharing. Great post.

  10. Great ideas! I have not heard of these before.

  11. Thank you for sharing these. I've never heard of either of them before. I like the idea of LikePlum. Looking for extra cash around Christmas time. This could definitely come in handy.


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