Posted by : Unknown 21.11.13

You may have come across this topic a lot, but I still find many people that can benefit from these type of posts. For example, I've been looking for a flexible part-time job for the past couple of weeks that would fit in with my schedule. I've been using job sites such as: Indeed, Craiglist, and Linkedin with some to a little success.

I realized that I was only using websites that were popular instead of broadening my job search for a better chance of getting my ideal job. I came across some duds and some other okay finds, but the 4 websites I'm about to introduce were some of the ones I felt I should share.

Social Career Page is a website that both job seekers and employers can benefit from. Job seekers can make a profile with all the required information needed to automatically give to listed employers that they are interested in working for. Employers, on the other hand, don't have to worry about paying a fee to post their jobs and easily find their ideal candidate.

Staff is a perfect job website for job seekers who are looking to work from home. I love the concept of this website! All you have to do is fill out your profile, post your resume, and list your experience so that they can fit you to an employer.

Outtaskrr is similar to Fiverr. Here you can buy or sell your services. I like that this isn't the general kind of marketplace website. Instead of selling your skills like writing, marketing, advertising, etc., Outtaskr is looking for people who can sing, play piano, or guitar.

Biznik is a little different from the others, but I decided to post it anyway. Biznik is a network created for independent business people to help/support better networking. If you're an independent business owner, you can benefit from this and use it to your advantage in order to get yourself out there. Getting yourself out there may equate to making more money.

{ 2 comments... read them below or Comment }

  1. Thank you for including Outtaskrr in your review of helpful sites for those seeking meaningful employment. As the founder of Outtaskrr, and a professional in the employment industry for nearly 20 years, I wanted to make it easy for talented people in a number of professions (graphic design, web development, product design, languages, music and voice) to reach a global audience of buyers without having to invest in building a freelance business or drastically change their lives to accommodate strict work hours or work locations. We are hopeful that the skilled student, stay-at-home parent, home-bound, unemployed, under-employed, and other virtual workers will take advantage of what we have done, and continue to do at Outtaskrr to get them and their skills to global buyers, so they can do what they want, when they want, as much as they want, and make money doing it.

    I truly appreciate you spreading the word.


    1. No problem, I'm happy to help you get the word out.


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