Posted by : Unknown 26.11.13

I'm going to make this short and to the point. I want to spread the word to people who are wondering about working for a legit company online. I will answer some common questions that some of you may have that is stopping you from joining this great opportunity.

What is ZNZ? Well, ZNZ is a company that stands for Zip Nada Zilch which means exactly what it implies. You don't have to invest any kind of money in order to make money here. ZNZ is always hiring 'Referral Agents' in the USA, Canada, and the UK.

What is a "Referral Agent?" A referral agent is what you will be once you register with them. Referral agents' only task is to promote, promote, promote ZNZ to get more people to join them and promote them also. Simple, right?

Is ZNZ legit? Now, that is the question. Yes, they are legitimate and they/we (since I'm working for them) work with popular companies that are looking for people to try out their trial services and continue to use them if they like them.

How much are you paid? It depends on what program you're registered with. You can be registered to more than one if you want to make more money. The most popular ones are ZNZ One and ZNZ Big Cash. Look at the image below for a breakdown.

ZNZ One will pay you $20 for each person you refer or get from your promotions. Big Cash, joined with ZNZ One, will make you a range of $60-$85 or so. So as you can see, you can do a job like this and make extra cash on the side.

Who is this job for? Everybody. Anyone. As long as you're dedicated to promoting this company to get the word out and more referrals, you'll make money. This is also a great job for getting money for the holidays that are coming up. Christmas can be expensive make/save extra money.

That's the main gist of the company and I hope many of y'all will take advantage of it. If you still have any questions, leave them in the comment section below.

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